Echinacea Pallida - Pale Purple Coneflower
----approx 20 seeds---
Similar to Echinacea purpurea, this variety produces long petals that turn increasinly pale as they age. Can be used in medicinal remedies.
Sow in Spring and Summer - needs cold stratification for best results
Sow on surface, seedlings emerge 14-21 days -
Recommended germination method -
Surface sow on pre moistened, premium seed raising mix in a seedling tray, moisten, cover with cling wrap (with a few holes poked in it) and place in fridge for 2-3 weeks before removing to a temperature of 20-25 degrees C. Keep out of direct sunlight until germinated. Keep moist at all times with a misting gun to avoid disturbing the seeds.
You can also place the whole packet in the fridge for 4 weeks before planting out or plant in winter and allow the natural cool temperatures to stratify the seeds, they will then emerge in Spring.