
Chrysanthemum carinatum
'Dunnetti Mix'
50+ seeds
This plant is suitable for cutting and can be used as an annual border plant. It grows up to 60cm tall and produces a mix of single, semi-double, and a small percentage of double flowers.
Sow in Spring - Summer Sow on surface, seedlings emerge 10-14 days -
Recommended germination method - Surface sow on pre moistened, premium seed raising mix in a seedling tray, cover with cling wrap (with a few holes poked in it) and keep out of direct sunlight but at 22 degrees C. Keep moist at all times with a misting gun and you should see results within 14 days
image1 - Rameshng, CC BY-SA 3.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons
image3 - 阿橋 HQ, CC BY-SA 2.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons