
Loofah Gourd or Luffa Squash
approx 8-12 seeds
This is an unusual gourd which is usually used for making loofahs or sponges (Not generally used for eating but can be used in stir frys when picked young). To make your own sponge grow the seeds and leave the fruits to grow and dry out. Once they are dried you can peel off the skin and inside will be perfectly formed, natural loofahs. They can last for a long time if left dry or if you use them frequently they last for several months. A great natural alternative to a store bought sponge!
Plant in Spring and Summer (21 degrees +), scarify seed and soak overnight before sowing, in clumps of 2-3 seeds, 20mm deep, leaving 100cm between seedlings, will emerge in 10-25 days. Fruits take 110-120 days to fully mature.